Published on Wednesday, 5 March 2025 at 9:00:00 AM
Hello, I’m Vivienne MacCarthy, President of the Shire of Donnybrook Balingup. Welcome to this Recap of the first Ordinary Council Meeting of the year, held on 26 February 2025.
Before moving on to the Meeting agenda, there are two events taking place in the next few weeks – the first is the Lighthouse Girl Saga from Theatre 180, which is coming to Balingup on Friday 14 March. This performance is based on the novels by award-winning author Dianne Wolfer, and is described as a sweeping story of ordinary people living in extraordinary times: a tale of courage, resilience, hope and love. A short trailer will follow, and tickets are available to purchase online.
On Saturday 22 March, the Donnybrook Library will be hosting a Fun Fest Extravaganza in celebration of its 25th Anniversary, and more than 70 years of serving the community under the State Lending Scheme. At this free event you will learn about the history of the Donnybrook Library, and there will be a range of activities to enjoy, including giant lawn games, arts and crafts, and live music. Food trucks and sweets will be available, and a treasure hunt has been organised for younger children. It’s going to be a lot of fun and I look forward to seeing you there!
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Item 8.2: Warren Blackwood Alliance of Councils Meeting held 10 December 2024
At item 8.2, Council received the minutes of the December meeting of the Warren Blackwood Alliance of Councils (WBAC). At this meeting, a presentation for the International Cycling Union (UCI) Gravel World Championships 2026 was shared, and was of high interest to Donnybrook Balingup, Nannup, Boyup Brook, Bridgetown Greenbushes and Manjimup local governments attending.
This World Championship event is set to take place in Nannup next year, with the main event taking place over 10th and 11th October. It is expected to bring a major boost to the region, attracting thousands of competitors and up to 20,000 visitors over a nine-day event window. With global media coverage and TV broadcasts to 120+ countries, the event will not only showcase world-class cycling, but also the region’s infrastructure, our local businesses and stunning landscapes.
Community benefits include volunteering and workforce opportunities, business activation, and tourism growth, alongside satellite events and youth engagement programs. Councils also heard about the various preparations already underway, including wayfinding, event facilities, and safety measures, all of which contribute towards ensuring long-term benefits for local cycling, recreation, and tourism.
Further information and details will be shared as they become available, closer to the event.
Items 9.1.1 – 9.1.4: Development Applications
Council considered four (4) Development Applications this month, which I’ll summarise in this Recap. You can access detailed information on each application from the meeting minutes and corresponding attachments on the Shire website.
At item 9.1.1, Council conditionally approved an application for Extractive Industry works at Lot 751 Donnybrook-Boyup Brook Rd, Beelerup. The application proposes to extract sand over a 10-year period, after which the pit area will be rehabilitated to pasture.
At Item 9.1.2, a second application for Extractive Industry works proposes to extract gravel over a 10-year period at Lot 100 Goodwood Road, Upper Capel, which Council has also conditionally approved.
At item 9.1.3, an application from the Donnybrook Town Team to install Asphalt Art on Collins St and Reserve St in Donnybrook, was conditionally approved by Council. The project forms part of a road safety initiative aimed to improve driver and pedestrian behaviours around the Apple Fun Park and Pump Track.
Our final Development Application for the meeting was item 9.1.4, for the relocation of the Balingup Fruit Winery’s Cellar Door to a new location on Bridgetown Road, Balingup, which Council approved.
Item 9.1.5: Request for Consent to Mine (Exploration Activities) – Brookhampton & Donnybrook
Item 9.1.5 required Council to consider a Request for Consent to Mine (Exploration Activities) at Reserve 2052 in Brookhampton, and Reserve 22860 in Donnybrook. The request came to Council from the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation & Safety (DMIRS). The applicant is Kula Gold Ltd. DMIRS have asked Council to provide comment on exploration activities that will encompass portions of the two Reserves.
It is important to note that this is not a development application, and the Shire is not the final decision maker. Our role is instead as a referral agency, and the final outcome is determined by the Minister for Mines and Petroleum.
Council resolved that we do not support the exploration activities proposed by KulaGold Ltd, and should the Minister over-rule our response, we have requested that a number of conditions be met, including: any project works must minimise disturbance to land and vegetation, with vegetation surveys conducted before clearing. Important habitat and fauna must be protected, and a site management plan must address environmental and social impacts, including vegetation protection and rehabilitation. The Shire must retain access to sand and gravel for public works, with any excavated material stockpiled to our satisfaction. Additionally, relevant site reports must be shared with the Shire.
Item 9.1.6: Proposed Speed Zoning Changes – Irishtown, Reserve & Collins St Donnybrook
At item 9.1.6, Council considered a proposal for speed zoning changes for localities within Irishtown and for Collins St, Donnybrook. There have been numerous requests from the community to implement the changes, and Shire Officers have received support from Main Roads WA (MRWA). Council resolved to proceed with public consultation, which will be advertised shortly.
Item 9.1.7: Bushfire Risk Management Plan (BRMP) 2024-2026
At item 9.1.7, Council received the Shire’s Bushfire Risk Management Plan (BRMP) for the period 2024-2026.
The importance of this plan is amplified by the level of fire activity we have experienced in the last 6 months.
Council has endorsed the Plan which provides a structured approach to identifying, assessing, prioritising, monitoring and treating bushfire risk within the Shire. The Plan provides important justification to support Bushfire Risk Management grant applications.
Item 9.2.3: Council Plan – Biannual Progress Report (July 2024 – December 2024)
At item 9.2.3, Council received and endorsed the Biannual Progress Report for the Council Plan (the Plan), which covers the period from July to December 2024.
The Plan expresses the community’s vision for the future, captured within the five (5) focus areas of People, Planet, Place, Prosperity, and Performance. Each Focus area contains overarching outcomes which are then broken down into objectives. These objectives are supported by 163 projects, prioritised to be achieved over the 10-year period from 2022-2032.
30 of these projects have been scheduled for the 2024-2025 financial year, with a further 23 incomplete or deferred projects, carried over from previous financial periods. Of the total 53 projects, 11% have been achieved and 41% are in progress. Further prioritisation and review will be required to align the remaining projects with current funding and resourcing.
I encourage community members to read the half yearly report, which has been published on the Shire’s website.
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Item 9.3.1: WALGA Sustainable Energy Project (Memorandum of Understanding)
The final item I would like to cover, item 9.3.1, relates to the WA Local Government Association’s (WALGA) Sustainable Energy Project. This project aims to reduce the impact of price increases for power to the Shire’s contestable energy sites. The project achieves this through the group buying power of multiple Councils.
A feature of the project is that 100% of the energy sourced is through Synergy’s Natural Energy Program, which offers ‘NaturalPower’, as part of their accreditation under Australia’s GreenPower program.
Our Shire is one of 48 local governments across WA who are currently taking part in Phase 1 of the Project with our particular sites being the Donnybrook Recreation Centre and the Administration Office (Bentley St).
Phase 2 of the project will deliver an estimated $34.7 million in energy cost savings over a three year term for all participants. This means that our Shire, we will achieve an estimated $87,500 in savings, which equates to approximately 0.5% savings in rates for each year of the Project. With this in mind, Council resolved to participate in Phase 2 of the WALGA Sustainable Energy Project.
Thank you for listening to this Recap covering the Ordinary Council Meeting for February 2025. You can find more information and documents related to our Council Meetings and the link to watch the recording of the meeting (via YouTube) on the Shire website.
If you have any questions about the meeting, I encourage you to submit them through the Shire’s online contact form.
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