Committees of Council
Audit & Risk Management Committee (ARMC)
Established by Council pursuant to Division 1A, Section 7.1A of the Local Government Act 1995 and Local Government (Audit) Regulations 1996 regulation 16.
3 x Elected Members:
- President MacCarthy
- Councillor Bailey
- Councillor Davy
2 x External Members:
- Mr Ian Telfer
- Mr Angelo Logiudice
2 years
Meeting Frequency:
The Committee shall meet as often as it determines. The current schedule of meetings is as follows:
- 12 March 2025 (actual date to be determined).
- 27 May 2025 (actual date to be determined).
- 8 October 2025 (actual date to be determined).
- 3 December 2025 (actual date to be determined).
CEO Recruitment Committee
The CEO Selection Committee (the Committee) is established under the powers given in Section 5.8 of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act). The Committee is established for the purpose of assisting the Council to fulfil its functions under Section 5.36(2) of the Act, in accordance with the Shire of Donnybrook Balingup’s CEO Recruitment, Performance Review and Termination Standards (CEO Standards).
All Elected Members
1 x External Member:
2 years
Meeting Frequency:
The Committee shall meet as often as it determines
External Committees and Reference Groups
Bush Fire Advisory Committee (BFAC)
Established pursuant to the Bushfires Act 1954 to provide advice to Council regarding all matters relating to bushfire control, prevention, and management.
1 x Elected Member:
13 x Bigrade Representatives (Fire Control Officers / FCOs)
2 years
Meeting Frequency:
Biannual meetings (April AGM)
The Donnybrook School Community Resource Library Management Committee
A committee established via a legal agreement executed between the Shire and the Minister for Education in 2019 for the purpose of facilitating the management and control the Donnybrook Community Library.
3 x Shire members, appointed by the Shire (pursuant to sec 4.1(a) one of whom shall be the Shire CEO):
- President MacCarthy
- Deputy President Glover
3 x members appointed by the Minister for Education (pursuant to sec 4.1(b) one of whom shall be the principal)
2 years
Meeting Frequency:
Every three (3) month as part of the financial year cycle and as required
Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC)
Established pursuant to the Local Emergency Management Act 2005 to assist Council and ensure local emergency management arrangements are established.
1 x Elected Member (Chairperson):
Shire Employees:
- Director Operations
- Community Emergency Services Manager (CESM)
- Senior Ranger
- Recovery Coordinator
2 years
Meeting Frequency:
Every three (3) month as part of the financial year cycle and as required
South West Country Zone
An association of 12 South West local governments that meet to consider WA Local Government Association initiatives.
1 x Elected Member (usually President, and Deputy President as proxy):
- President MacCarthy
- Deputy President Glover, Proxy
1 x Shire Employee:
2 years
Meeting Frequency:
Five (5) meetings per year
Regional Road Group (RRG)
The group prioritizes and resolves projects for the allocation of monies received from State and Federal Government.
1 x Elected Member:
2 years
Meeting Frequency:
See annual meeting timetable on WALGA’s website
Warren Blackwood Alliance of Councils (WBAC)
A voluntary regional organisation of Councils representing the Shires of Bridgetown-Greenbushes, Boyup Brook, Donnybrook Balingup, Manjimup and Nannup. The WBAC acts as an advocacy group by supporting or undertaking significant projects relating to promoting economic development and diversity and encouraging regional population growth.
Learn more about the WBAC
2 x Elected Members:
- President MacCarthy
- Deputy President Glover, Proxy
- Councillor Davy
2 years
Meeting Frequency:
Every two (2) months
Warren Blackwood Climate Change Impact Reference Group
To establish the basis of a Warren Blackwood Alliance of Councils (WBAC) sub-regional climate change impact policy that includes recommendations for practical and achievable adaption and mitigation strategies applicable to WBAC and member Local Government Organisations (LGO’s).
2 x Elected Members:
- Councillor Davy
- Councillor Lindemann
1 x Shire Employee
Until advised
Meeting Frequency:
Every second month (additional meetings may be called when required)
Ministerial Appointments
Development Assessment Panels (DAP)
Determine development applications that meet a certain threshold value. Each DAP comprises of five members, three specialist members and two local government members.
Regulation 24 of the Planning and Development (Development Assessment Panels) Regulations 2011 requires Council to nominate, as soon as possible following the elections, four elected Council members to sit as DAP members, two as members and two as alternate members.
2 x Elected Members:
- Councillor Davy
- Councillor Lindemann
- Councillor Glover, Alternate Member
- Councillor Shand, Alternate Member
2 years
Meeting Frequency:
As required