Noise Complaints

Complaints about noise from barking dogs are common, and whilst it is impossible to always keep your dog quiet, it is your responsibility to ensure that it does not become a nuisance to your neighbours.

Make a Report


Dog Attacks

The Dog Act includes substantial penalties for all offences and Rangers are required to investigate attacks on people, pets and livestock. The Shire may issue Infringement Notices or instigate prosecutions if appropriate. By investigating dog attacks it ensures that the means to effectively confine your dog exist within your premises and that dangerous dogs are identified and managed accordingly. 

If you have experienced a dog attack, please call the Shire immediately.

Contact Us


Impounded Dogs

Impounded dogs are kept at the pound facility in Donnybrook. To reclaim your dog you must first pay all fees and charges involved at the Shire’s Administration Office at 1 Bentley Street, Donnybrook. Your dog will be released once these fees are paid.

  • If your dog is not registered, you will also be required to pay the applicable registration fee.
  • If your dog is not microchipped, you will also be required to prepay for a microchip at your local vet and provide the microchip number at time of registration.


Dog Prohibited Areas

Dogs are prohibited absolutely, subject to Section 8 of the Act and Section 66J of the Equal Opportunity Act 1984, from entering or being in any of the following places:

  • Where so indicated by a sign, a public building.
  • A theatre or picture gardens.
  • All premises or vehicle classified as food premises or food vehicle under the Health (Food Hygiene) Regulations.
  • A public swimming pool.
  • Within any fenced area set aside as a children’s playground.

If a dog enters or is found in a place in subclause (1), every person liable for the control of the dog is considered as having committed an offence.

Visit one of our dog exercise areas, where you are permitted to have your dog off-lead providing you have it under control:

Dog Exercise Areas


The Cat Act 2011 - expanded
  • All cats over the age of six months must be sterilised, micro-chipped and registered with the Shire.
  • Cats over the age of six months must be sterilised.
  • Exemption to this provision may be applicable to approved/registered Cat breeders.
  • Cats must be at least twelve weeks of age to be sterilised.
  • Cats over the age of six months must be microchipped.
  • Cats over the age of six months must be registered with their local government (all registrations are due on 31 October and can be renewed for either one year, three years, or lifetime).
  • Cats must wear a collar with identification and registration tags.

View the Cat Act 2011


Wandering Cats

Whilst a cat wandering is not illegal, Council recommends that you contain your cat within the boundaries of your property for its own safety as well as that of other people and animals. There are provisions within the Cat Act for cats causing a nuisance, this can include:

  • an activity or condition which is harmful or annoying and which gives rise to legal liability in the tort of public or private nuisance at law;
  • an unreasonable interference with the use and enjoyment of a person’s ownership or occupation of land; or
  • interference which causes material damage to land or other property on the land affected by the interference.

If your cat is found to be a creating a nuisance, penalties may be issued.

Catios are very common and we encourage you to consider making one for your own property. Further information on catios can be found via the links below.
