Free Training Courses
KNOW Asbestos In Your Home

The Cancer Council WA and Department of Health have a free online course for home renovators and DIYers who need to learn about the location, safe handling, and disposal of asbestos, as well as education surrounding asbestos-related diseases.
KNOW Asbestos In Your Home - course
Visit the Department of Health WA website for a wide variety of Public Health information and advice!
About Asbestos
The Department of Health administers the Health (Asbestos) Regulations 1992 (HAR), which are enforced by local government enforcement agencies and authorised officers.
Did you know that asbestos could affect not just local businesses, but home-owners as well?
Asbestos was included in many common products used in homes built before 1990. These products containing asbestos can become a public health risk if they are damaged or deteriorate in a way that releases the asbestos fibres. It is important that these products can be identified in the home so that appropriate precautions can be taken to reduce exposure risks.
Healthy WA Article - About Asbestos
Healthy WA's top tips to be 'asbestos aware':
If doing maintenance, or renovating a house built before 1990, be aware it could have asbestos containing products and treat them with caution
If buying a house, ask that asbestos containing products be assessed as part of the building inspection report
Don’t use power tools to drill, cut, sand or remove materials containing asbestos, as this will release asbestos fibres
Never use a high pressure cleaner to clean asbestos cement roofing, cladding or fencing.
If removing small amounts of asbestos containing products yourself, learn how to safely remove and dispose of them first. A good example of educational material available is the “Know asbestos in your home,” linked above.
If in doubt, hire a licensed asbestos removalist and check that the work area is free from visible asbestos at the end of the job.
Homeowners are encouraged to contact their local government environmental health officer for more information.
About Lead & lead exposure
Did you know that Lead is a naturally occurring metal found in abundance throughout the earth? It has been used in a wide variety of products including petrol, paint, plumbing pipes, cigarettes, ceramics and cookware, solders, batteries, imported toys, cosmetics, herbal preparations and pigments.
Healthy WA Article - About Lead
You can use several safe practices in your business to help minimise lead exposure - here's just a few examples"
- If you are a food-related business owner, keep a wide variety of healthy food options available to your customers! Diet can have a major impact on how much lead is absorbed into the body. Consuming a balanced diet and forming healthy eating habits can help minimise the absorption of lead into the body.
When painting, renovating or disposing of items containing or contaminated with lead, clean and dispose of materials safely to prevent lead exposure to you and your family. Many DIY activities and hobbies involving lead containing materials can produce dangerous levels of lead fumes and dust, even if it's just a home project or a renovation you're doing at your store.
- Seek professional advice on the most appropriate and safe methods of renovating an old house/removing old paint.
- Test old paint for lead concentration before starting any renovations. Test kits are available from hardware stores.
- Do not renovate when children are present! Consider temporarily covering old paint until renovations can be completed without children present.
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW)
Healthy WA Article - Safe Make-up & Skin Care Products
About legionella
Legionella, also known as Legionnaires' Disease, is a type of illness similar in nature to pneumonia or the mild flu-like illness called Pontiac Fever. This isn't a disease that spreads from person to person, but travels through bacteria in mist such as the air that travels from AC units for large buildings. Adults over the age of of 50 and people with weak immune systems, chronic lung disease or heavy tobacco use are most at risk.
The Department of Health has statutory requirements and guidelines on how to reduce the risk of legionella being spread, linked below.
Healthy WA Article - Legionella
Legionella Control
Cooling towers and water systems must be managed safely to prevent the growth and transmission of Legionella bacteria. Poorly maintained systems may cause Legionnaires’ disease, a serious and potentially life-threatening condition. In WA cooling towers, air-handling and water systems must comply with the Health (Air-handling and water systems) Regulations 1994, and Australian and New Zealand Standards; AS3666 Part 1, and Part 2 and/or Part 3 (as per Standards Australia).
Local Government Environmental Health Officers have a statutory requirement to ensure building owners and operators of Class 3 to 9 (inclusive) buildings are complying with the legislation. This includes (but is not limited to):
- shopping centres
- office buildings
- universities
- hospitals
- hotels
- aged care facilities
- food processing and industrial facilities
- drycleaners
Healthy WA Article - Legionella Control & Advice
About Mould
Mould has been recognised as a key indoor biological pollutant that may cause adverse health effects to the building’s occupants, whether it's a supermarket, shared office, or home. Mould can also result in unpleasant odours and damage to building materials, contents and structures that may lead to expensive maintenance or management costs.
Moisture control is therefore the primary way to limit mould growth. Excess moisture sources can be generated from factors such as inappropriate building design and construction, poor building maintenance and insufficient or inadequate ventilation. Indoor moisture can be affected by occupants’ behaviour and moisture generating activities. You may notice that after natural disasters such as floods and storms, when there is increased water damage, mould could row if not properly managed.
Radiation & the Radiological Council of WA
Did you know that radiation can be caused from microwave ovens, mobile phones, smoke alarms, and powerlines? These are all common items and everyday devices, but if you haven't maintained your parts within your business properly, there could be cause for concern.
The Radiation Safety Act regulates the keeping and use of radioactive substances, irradiating apparatus (eg x-ray equipment) and certain electronic products (eg lasers and UV transilluminators). The Act applies to both ionising and non-ionising radiation. Registration and licensing are the principal means by which the use of radiation is regulated.
The Act regulates keeping and use of:
- radioactive substances
- irradiating apparatus such as x-ray equipment
- specified electronic products such as lasers, sun-tanning units and UV transilluminators.
Radiological Council WA - website
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