The Shire of Donnybrook Balingup is an equal opportunity employer, and encourages people from all walks of life to apply for the various positions that we advertise.

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The Shire of Donnybrook Balingup can be found 213km south-west of Perth, and covers 1,541km2. It is renowned for its gorgeous landscapes, old-growth forests, bountiful orchards and vineyards, and is an iconic agricultural area. Our origins stem from those who inhabited the county for approx. 40,000 years before European occupation, who knew this land as Kaniyang and Wardindi. Europeans settled in the area in the mid-1800s, building an economy based on gold mining, fruit-focused agriculture, and timber and stone.

After WWII, the population of Donnybrook and Balingup grew to over 3,000. From the late 1960, the apple industry blossomed when over 2 million cartons of apples, primarily Granny Smiths, were exported to the UK and greater Europe. Alongside this, the development of new varieties such as Pink Lady and Sundowner strengthened the industry. Soon, agriculture expanded to include pears, stone fruits, potatoes, nut production, sheep (for meat and wool), and cattle (for meat and dairy). Wine and tourism became critical
industries as well, which we still see today, and as the subdivision of large properties continued to develop, hobby farming increased.

As such, agritourism has taken off and has been a continuously growing, healthy economic industry. We aren’t only farming though, with the unique and beautiful sandstone from Donnybrook being well known and incorporated into many infamous structures and other foundations. Donnybrook sandstone can be found in many historic attractions such as the Soldiers Memorial Hall (1919), the All Saints Church (1906), Melbourne’s Federation Square, and the WA Supreme Court. To this day, local sandstone continues to be quarried.

The Shire has the benefit of several diverse industries in a single area, with a rich culture to accompany it. Over time, it has become an attractive place to live for both growing
families and those making a lifestyle choice later in life. The lush scenery and convenient proximity to Bunbury, the beaches of Geographe Bay, the Margaret River Wine Region, and the tall timbers of Pemberton have also made our home a popular destination for tourists.


Submitting an Application


First of all, thank you for applying for a role at the Shire, we appreciate your time and interest.

When submitting an application, there are a few things you need to do that differ from a typical job application, being local government. Whether you're new to local government or you know your way around, it's always good to refresh your knowledge.

The most important part of your application is your cover letter. We ask that your cover letter addresses the selection criteria outlined in the position description associated with the role you're applying for. Please be aware that if this is not done, your application may not be considered.  


What do I need to include in my application?

Cover letters are best laid out like a letter, addressed to the person who is responsible for the position. This personal can be found in the position description. 

You will need to ensure that you have included your name, email, and best contact phone number(s) so that we can contact you. 

Additionally, a summary of your previous employment history (starting with your most recent role) must be provided. This needs to include a timeframe of your employment there, the name of the business, your role and an overview of the associated duties/responsibilities, and a reference that we are allowed to contact.

Please also list your training and educational achievements, including some details on what was involved. You should also ensure that you have copies prepared of any relevant certificates and documentations related to these, as we may ask for a copy or to review them.

We also encourage you to include any activities you have undertaken outside of work that are relevant to the position you are applying for. You should also list any memberships of professional bodies and/or licensing authorities that you have.

Please note that all positions at the Shire of Donnybrook Balingup require a current and valid National Police Clearance (you are to source this) and a pre-employment medical assessment (we will arrange this should you be successful).


Where does my application go?

We ask that all applications are emailed to, however you are also welcome to send us your application via post (PO Box 94, Donnybrook, WA 6239) or in person at the Shire Administration Office (1 Bentley St, Donnybrook, WA 6239). Once we receive your application, it will be recorded and handled internally.

If you are applying for more than one position, please provide a separate application for each one. We ask that you do not send scanned originals of qualifications or reference letters - if we need it, we'll let you know how and when.

What happens once I've sent an application?


Once you have made your submission, we record it and begin shortlisting once the application period has closed. Please be aware that due to the number of applications received, we will only contact shortlisted candidates.

Should you be successful, we will contact you to arrange an interview, which takes place at the Shire Administration Office in Donnybrook.


About the Interview

We understand that interviews can make you feel nervous, and will do our best to ensure that you're comfortable when you arrive. Additionally, you are welcome to bring some notes for yourself to refer to, or take notes during the interview itself. Your interviewers will be taking notes and referring to their own documents, too.

It's important to remember that your interviewers are assessing your suitability for the position. Regardless of if you have worked with them previously, or have experience in a similar role, your still need to convince the interviewers that you are the best candidate for the job.

During the interview, when the opportunity is presented, you are welcome to ask questions of the interviewers. You are welcome to prepare some prior to your interview.

Other important things to consider for your interview are:

  • Presentation - remember to dress in appropriate attire.
  • Timeliness - we understand that things happen, but ask that you arrive in a timely manner for your interview. Interviews can take up to 30 minutes.
  • Attitude - feeling nervous for an interview is completely normal. We will show you patience, and request that you do the same for us. 
  • Preparation - we advise that you bring a copy of your resume and other appropriate documents with you to your interview, so that both you and your interviewers may refer to them as necessary.


Contacting Referees

After the selection process, we contact your referees (who you should have listed in your application). It is also common courtesy that referees are contacted by you before being nominated in your application, so that they are aware that they might be contacted.

Please ensure that you have provided the company they work for, name, role/title, and appropriate contact number(s) so that we can reach out to them. One of your referees should be the manager or supervisor you had at your most recent job.

It is not recommended that you include written references or character referees as part of your application.

Writing your Application


How do I address the criteria in my cover letter?

The selection criteria specify what is required for the position, ranging from education, knowledge and skills to abilities and experience. By writing statements for each one, you will be helping us determine if you are suitable for the role when we are in the selection process.

You can use each selection criteria to create individual headings or points in your letter, as a statement should be provided for each one. For example, if one of the selection criteria states "tertiary qualification/s in (or substantial progress towards achieving) a discipline relevant to the position," you might have your heading written as Tertiary Education - [name of your degree or qualification]."


How should I talk about myself?

Remember to be yourself, and let your inner professional shine through! Speak clearly and concisely, remain enthusiastic, and articulate your skills and knowledge. It's natural to feel nervous, just don't forget that first impressions are important. Don't be afraid to show your personality either, as this is your opportunity to prove that you're a valuable asset to our team.

Did you previously have a bad experience in a different role, or found a personal weakness? That's entirely normal - you can use this as an opportunity to turn a negative into a positive. Discuss with your interviewers how you grew and learnt from the situation, and all of the steps you took to achieve a better outcome. 

Not sure if you have the skills to meet every single requirement? You can use your application/interview as an opportunity to outline your forward thinking and describe how you plan to learn and acquire further skills on the job. Remember, people aren't necessarily unsuccessful because they don't possess the required skills. In many cases, they may have failed to convince the interviewers that they would be able to quickly develop the necessary skills and abilities to bridge that gap!

Is there anything I can do to prepare?


Other preparations you can make
  • Practice what you're going to say - review the position description and this webpage, and think of what you may be asked. Maybe you could prepare some short notes for yourself, or practice with a family member or friend.
  • Understand the requirements of the job, and have an example of how you meet or exceed them.
    • Some people think that you shouldn't take notes to an interview, however it can be hard to remember everything in your application, cover letter, resume, and in the position description. Preparing notes and taking them with you to your interview is a great way to ensure you haven't missed anything - and remember that we don't mind if you do bring some with you!
  • Remember that nerves are normal - if you would like us to ask a question again, or reword it, please don't hesitate to ask. 
    • Some common questions to prepare for include:
      • Why did you apply for the job?
      • What has been your biggest achievement to date?
      • What have you done that demonstrates initiative in your career?
      • What are your strengths and weaknesses? Examples are important for this one.
      • Why are you the best person for the job?
    • If you still don't understand, or don't have an answer, you can still draw on a similar experience to provide some information to the interviewers. Alternatively, you can start a response with something along the lines of "I haven't come across that kind of situation, but if I did, I would..."

Information for Successful Candidates


If you are a Successful Candidate, you will:
  • Receive confirmation via email or phone call, so keep an eye on your inbox or keep your phone handy.
  • Need to complete a pre-employment medical check and questionnaire, which will be arranged between yourself and the Shire. 
  • You may need to provide certain documentation, so be prepared to submit certain qualifications, certifications, etc. for our records.
  • You will need to ensure that you are prepared to start at the Shire at a certain time - please let us know of your earliest availability to start, as well as any interruptions to your availability in the near future.

Getting Feedback


Getting Feedback

If you are unsuccessful after the interview stage, you are invited to ask for feedback from your interviewers. This is an opportunity for you to learn and improve for the future. 

The Shire also welcomes feedback from candidates of the application process for all stages, from applying to interviewing and onboarding as a new hire.