Office HoursMonday - Friday: 8.30am - 4.00pm
(08) 9780 4200
PO Box 94, Donnybrook, WA 6239
1 Bentley St, Donnybrook, WA 6239
Find out more
In effect from 1 April - see here for more details.
Remember, responsible owners should always have control of their dogs, even in an off-lead exercise area. It is also the owner's responsibility to pick up any droppings that is left by their animal - let's keep our community spaces clean and tidy!
DONNYBROOK: Marmion Street: Lot 5817 Curran Street: Lot 521 Preston River: Reserve 34972
Marmion Street: Lot 5817
Curran Street: Lot 521
Preston River: Reserve 34972
BALINGUP: Balinga Drive: Lot 13551 Forrest Street: Railway Reserve (between the public toilets and Bushfire Brigade Building)
Balinga Drive: Lot 13551
Forrest Street: Railway Reserve (between the public toilets and Bushfire Brigade Building)