Introducing the Collie Donnybrook Balingup: Natural Resource Recovery Program 2024 - 2025 (also referred to as the Blackberry Program)

In December 2023, the Shire of Donnybrook Balingup was informed that it was successful in receiving $409,656 via the State NRM Program, which has been put towards the Collie Donnybrook Balingup Natural Resource Recovery Program.

The Community Stewardship Grants provided through the State NRM Program contain six (6) priorities, all of which this project aims to achieve. These priorities are as follows:

  1. Sustainable management of land resources.
  2. Maintain and enhance water assets.
  3. Project and enhance the marine and coastal environment.
  4. Conserve and recover biodiversity.
  5. Enhance skills, capacity, and engagement.
  6. Deliver high quality planning that leads to effective action.

Learn more about the State NRM Program

Landowner Information Sheet


Funding for this program was sought by both Shires in response to the identification of blackberry as a significant pest across the landscape, and to increase the benefit of previous projects to control blackberry. In 2020, the Shires of Donnybrook Balingup, Collie and Dardanup were successful in obtaining Federal funding to carry out blackberry control across the three local government districts. This previous project proved highly successful, resulting in approximately 600km of waterways being mapped for the presence of blackberry and 1,200 hectares of blackberry controlled over a 12-month period. All landowners who registered their interest had treatment carried out using local contractors. 


About the Devolved Grants

To ensure mutual commitment between the WA Government, the Shires of Donnybrook Balingup and Collie, and landowners, a 50% co-contribution arrangement will facilitate effective outcomes for the long-term benefits of the environment, economy, and the wider community in the control of blackberry and re-establishment of native vegetation. Through an Expression of Interest (EOI) process, residents within the two Shires can apply to their relevant Shire for financial support to conduct on ground works to increase biodiversity and water quality through the control of Blackberry and revegetation works.

Successful landowners are responsible for ensuring adequate works are undertaken and that the invoice is paid in full in accordance with the contractor’s terms. Once evidence of an appropriate invoice and full payment have been provided to the Shire, the Shire will reimburse the landowner in line with the signed agreement.


Please be advised that Expressions of Interest (EOIs) for the Program's Devolved Grants have closed as of 30 April 2024, with assessments underway. If you are waiting to hear about your submission, we are aiming to send notification to landowners in September 2024, to enable successful applicants time to begin on ground works.

Should landowners wish to be notified about further opportunities to participate in the Blackberry Program, please contact the Shire directly.

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