Ordinary Council Meetings & Agenda Briefing Sessions

An Ordinary Council Meeting (commonly shortened to OCM) is held on the fourth Wednesday of the month, except for the December Meeting which is instead held on the third Wednesday of that month. All Ordinary Council Meetings are open for the public to attend in person or watch online, with the opportunity for public participation (please see below for more information on public attendance and participation). 

An Agenda Briefing Session (commonly shortened to ABS) is held a week before an OCM (unless otherwise stated). These serve as an opportunity for Council to review the upcoming OCM documents in a draft Agenda, and discuss them with Shire Officers. All Agenda Briefing Sessions are open for the public to attend in person or watch online, however there is no opportunity for public participation. To view the ABS documents, please find the relevant Council Meeting through the Upcoming Meetings & Documents page linked below. Please note that these drafts are removed prior to the OCM and replaced by the documents and attachments of the official meeting. Doing so ensures that there is no confusion on what is being addressed by Council when accessing the relevant documents. 

Upcoming Meetings & Documents

Past Meetings & Documents

View the 2024 Calendar (PDF)

Agenda Briefing Guidelines


Public Attendance & Participation at a Council Meeting

Ordinary Council Meetings and Agenda Briefing Sessions are held in the Council Chamber, which can be found behind the Shire Administration Building at 1 Bentley Street in Donnybrook (unless otherwise stated). If you aren't able to attend in person, a livestream will be available through our YouTube channel for you to access on the day of the meeting, which will broadcast live when the meeting begins at the specified time. We share this link through our Social media . Once the livestream ends the final recording is saved and automatically published on our channel as a video, and is available for public access. To learn more about Public Question Time, Deputations and Petitions, please see the page linked below.

Participation at Council Meetings 

Visit our YouTube channel


As of July 2022, we implemented a policy to livestream our Council Meetings at every opportunity, where technically possible, unless the Council has resolved to close the meeting to members of the public in accordance with Section 5.23 of the Local Government Act 1995. The primary purpose of these streams is to be open and transparent, giving the public greater access to Council decisions, debates and discussions by eliminating geographic and/or personal barriers that may prevent physical attendance at a Council Meeting.

Please be aware that some external locations that the Council visits do not have livestreaming or recording facilities. We invite the public to visit these locations with the Council, should you be interested in the meeting topics of discussion. Alternatively, we will have our documented Meeting Minutes published online for you to access. You can read the Live Streaming and Recording of Council Meetings Policy for more information.

View our Local Laws 


Local Government Reform

The State Government is reforming the Local Government Act 1995Through this reform, new meeting procedures and requirements will be introduced - this page will be updated accordingly as changes are implemented. For further information, please see the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) page below.



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