The following dates are subject to change, and can be impacted by things such as seasonal conditions or unpredictable circumstances. Before burning at any time, please check that it is safe to do so or what requirements you may need to be aware of with your local Fire Control Officer (a contact list is available in the Fire Prevention Order) or the Shire Administration Office.
When a Total Fire Ban or Harvest & Vehicle Movement Ban has been declared, it is illegal to carry out any activity that is likely to cause a fire. Prohibited and Restricted Burning Periods are declared by the Authority under sections 17 and 18 respectively of the Bush Fires Act 1954.
Prohibited Burning Period
The Prohibited Burning Period is in effect from 15 December to 31 March annually.
During this time, you are not permitted to conduct any Garden Refuse burning, or any burning in of grass, paddocks, bonfires, or bush. Additionally, the following is strictly prohibited to help protect our community from bushfire risks:
- Burning is NOT permitted at any time
- Campfires, firepits and bonfires are NOT permitted at any time
- Burning of garden refuse is NOT permitted at any time
- All issued Permits to Burn are CANCELLED
You are allowed to use a wood and/or solid fuel barbecue during this time, however it must be constructed and used in a way which prevents the escape of sparks or burning material, and is within a 3m fuel-free zone. You are not allowed to use a barbecue when a Total Fire Ban has been declared, or when the fire danger is rated High or above - please refer to the Fire Prevention Order for further information.
To check the current Fire Danger Rating, or to find out if a Total Fire Ban has been declared, visit the Emergency WA website.
All landowners are reminded to check that any recent burn-offs are fully extinguished.
Further information is available on this page and in the 2024-2025 Fire Prevention Order, and further resources are available on our other Fire & Emergency Management pages.
Visit Emergency WA
View our Fire & Emergency Management information
View the 2024-2025 Fire Prevention Order
All News & Notices

Restricted Burning Period
The Restricted Burning Period is in effect from 1 April to 26 April, and 1 November to 14 December annually.
During this time, you are not permitted to burn during the day without a Permit to Burn. If you would like to obtain one, please contact your local Fire Control Officer (a contact list is available in the Fire Prevention Order).
During this period, between 6:00pm and 11:00pm, you may use a wood and/or solid fuel barbecue, and you are permitted to burn Garden Refuse (1m by 1m only).
If you are looking to burn your garden waste during the Restricted Burning Period, please be sure you are aware of the following:
- You can’t burn on Sundays and Public Holidays without a permit to burn,
- You can only burn one pile of garden waste at a time,
- Each pile must not be bigger than 1 cubic metre. Clear 3 metres around the edge of your pile for safety,
- The burn must be lit after 6:00pm,
- You can add waste to your burn until 11:00pm as long as the pile does not exceed 1 cubic metre at a time,
- The burn needs to be completely out before midnight,
- Let the people living near you know 72 hours before you burn,
- Ensure that you have registered the burn with DFES via (08) 9395 9209.
- Stay and attend to your burn until it is extinguished,
- Ensure you have an adequate water supply.
Unrestricted Burning Period
The Unrestricted Burning Period is in effect from 27 April to 31 October annually.
During this time, you may burn without a permit - note that due to the impact of smoke, burning is still prohibited on land under 2000m2. Additionally, please ensure that you have registered the burn with DFES via (08) 9395 9209.
Winter is an ideal time to start preparing your property for the upcoming fire season, particularly if you choose to use fire to reduce the fuel load on your property. The Shire encourages property owners to take advantage of this safer period to conduct their fire hazard reduction burning.
When conducting a burn please note that care must be exercised:
- The burn must be conducted in an area that is surrounded by firebreaks
- Rake around dead trees to minimise the risk of them catching alight
- Notify your neighbours prior to lighting up
- Be in attendance and control of the burn at all times (preferably a minimum of two adult able-bodied persons should be present for the duration of the burn)
- Have the ability to extinguish the fire if the conditions change (water or manual methods)
- Do not burn damp, wet or green material as this will cause excessive smoke
- Fires are to be immediately extinguished should smoke blow across public roads causing visibility to be reduced.
Please note that despite there being no fire restrictions on burning, burning is not permitted if the the Fire Danger Rating is High or above and/or a Total Fire Ban has been put in. It is your legal responsibility to check prior to undertaking any burn. Health legislation is also still applicable - please refer to the Fire Prevention Order for further information.
Permits to Burn
Fire Permits, also called Permits to Burn, are required for all fires within the entire Restricted Periods. If you would like to obtain one, please contact your local Fire Control Officer (a contact list is available in the Fire Prevention Order).
Please be aware that permits are unlikely to be issued by the Shire’s Health Services to burn garden refuse or other waste on lots within townsite, having less than 2000m2 in size, as per the Shire’s Local Laws.
Affected neighbours must be notified at least four (4) days prior to any burning taking place. The permit holder must comply with the conditions set out in the permit and be in attendance at the fire at all times. You must also notify the Department of Fire & Emergency Services (DFES WA) to ensure that if an emergency were to be reported, the safety of yourself and others is ensured.
Fire Danger Ratings - Bureau of Meteorology (BOM)
The Fire Danger Rating system tells you how dangerous a fire would be if one started. Ratings are forecast by the Bureau of Meteorology, based on weather and other environmental conditions such as fuel load.
As illustrated below, the Australian Fire Danger Ratings levels are:
- Moderate: Plan and prepare
- High: Be ready and act
- Extreme: Take action now to protect life and property
- Catastrophic: For your survival, leave bushfire risk areas.
To view current and forecasted fire danger ratings visit the Bureau of Meteorology website.
Guides for Safe Burning
For the latest information and advice relating to fire safety and emergency, refer to the Department of Fire & Emergency Services:
About Bushfires & Preparation
Publications & Guides
Please note that you are not allowed to burn anything that is toxic, which includes (but is not limited to) plastics, accelerant, wooden pallets, asbestos, building materials, and household goods.
You are allowed to use an electric or gass BBQ at any time of the year, including during a Total Fire Ban. If you are using a wood or solid fuel BBQ and/or pizza oven, you are not allowed to use it when the Fire Danger Rating is High or above, or when a Total Fire Ban has been declared. During the Prohibited Burning Period, you must not have any flammable material within a 3m radius of your BBQ either. If you are unsure about if it’s safe to use your BBQ, please contact your local Fire Control Officer for clarification.
Campfires and fire pits are not permitted during the Prohibited Burning Period, and on days when DFES has declared a Total Fire Ban. You may use a fire pit outside of the Prohibited Burning Period unless the Fire Danger Rating is High or above, similar to a wood or solid fuel BBQ. Permits are required during the Restricted Burning Period if burning over 1m2.
Before burning, make sure you have considered the following:
- Check the weather conditions (wind strength, the direction of the wind),
- Ensure sufficient running water is close to hand,
- Use metal fittings on your hoses if possible,
- Consider the impact of smoke on others,
- Keep the burn contained and controlled,
- Make sure the burn is fully extinguished once it’s complete,
- Do not leave the fire unattended.
Do not burn the road verge without written permission from the Shire. Please contact us to discuss.
Contact Us
If you are burning a large area, consider installing a firebreak around the area you intend to burn and ensure you have sufficient people/fire unit to assist you if required.
If the fire becomes uncontrollable, call 000 immediately.