The next Annual General Meeting of Electors (AGM) is being held on Monday 3 February 2025

See Upcoming Meetings


What is an Annual General Meeting of Electors?

In accordance with Section 5.27 of the Local Government Act 1995 an Annual General Meeting (often abbreviated to AGM) of Electors of a district is to be held once every financial year. A general meeting is to be held on a day selected by the local government but within 56 days of accepting the annual report for the previous financial year (Section 5.27). The matters to be discussed at the general electors’ meetings are to be those prescribed under the Act and associated Regulations.


More Information & Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Attendance & Participation in the Meeting

The AGM is less formal than a Council meeting, however on arrival, those attending and participating in the meeting will be requested to confirm their status as an elector and record their names and addresses.

Any member of the public is welcome to attend the meeting but will only be permitted to participate as an elector if they have confirmed that they are eligible to vote in the Shire of Donnybrook Balingup local government elections.

Who is an Elector?

Section 1.4 of the Local Government Act 1995 provides the following definition of who an elector is, and as depicted in Section 5.26 of the Act, also includes ratepayers.

“Elector, in relation to a district or ward, means a person who is eligible to be enrolled to vote at elections for the district or ward.”


Residents can check to see if they are on the electoral roll through the Western Australian Electoral Commission (WAEC) website:

WAEC: Online Elector Services


If you have previously registered to be on the Shire’s Owners and Occupiers electoral roll, you can check these details by contacting the Shire office. Please note that if you are already on the State or Federal electoral roll and live within the Shire district you are automatically included on the Shire’s electoral roll.

Matters of Discussion

In line with Section 5.27(3) of the Local Government Act 1995 and regulation 15 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, the matters to be discussed at an AGM are, firstly, the contents of the annual report for the previous financial year and then any other general business.

Procedures for Electors' Meetings (Questions & Motions)

In accordance with regulation 18 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, the procedures to be followed at electors’ meetings are to be determined by the person presiding over the meeting, being the President.

The following procedures have been approved by the President for electors’ meetings (both for the Annual General Meeting of Electors and Special Electors Meetings):

  1. Only electors of the Shire of Donnybrook Balingup are entitled to ask questions and vote.

  2. Any motions are to be moved and seconded before any discussion is to occur.

  3. A mover for a motion has two minutes in which to speak on the motion.

  4. The seconder for a motion has two minutes in which to speak on the motion.

  5. Debate may ensue.

  6. The mover of a motion has the right of reply, for up to two minutes.

  7. All motions are determined by a majority vote of electors present.

  8. Each elector present at the meeting is entitled to one vote on each matter to be decided but does not have to vote.

  9. All decisions are to be made by a simple majority vote.

  10. Voting is to be conducted so that no voter’s vote is secret.

  11. There will be no adverse reflection on Elected Members or Shire employees and should this occur, the question or motion will be ruled out of order and the elector will be asked to resume their seat.

Any other rules or procedures not defined are to be determined by the President, as the person presiding over the meeting.

Questions from Electors

  1. Only Shire of Donnybrook Balingup electors may submit questions to the Shire. All questions must be submitted in writing.

  2. Questions asked at the Annual General Meeting of Electors must relate to a matter within the remit of the Shire of Donnybrook Balingup.

  3. The President shall decide to accept or reject any written question and the President’s decision is final. Where there is any concern about a question being offensive, defamatory or the like, the President will make a determination in relation to the question. Questions determined as offensive, defamatory or the like will not be published.

  4. The Shire will accept a maximum of three (3) questions per elector. To ensure equity and consistency, each part of a multi-part question will be treated as a question in its own right.

  5. Written questions lodged by 4pm Monday the 27 January 2025*, prior to the scheduled Annual General Meeting of Electors will be responded to, where possible, at the Annual General Meeting of Electors. These questions, and their responses, will be distributed to Elected Members and made available to the public in written form at the meeting.

  6. Questions must be sent via email to

  7. Questions unable to be responded to at the Annual General Meeting of Electors will be taken on notice. In this case, a written response will be provided as soon as possible and included on the agenda of the next Council meeting, or if that is not possible, the agenda for the following Council meeting.

  8. Questions and any responses will be summarised and included in the minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Electors.

Motions from Electors

  1. Any motions to be moved at the Annual General Meeting of Electors should be received in writing by the Shire by 4pm Monday 27 January 2025*. Motions must be submitted via email to

  2. Preference will be given to those electors that submit motions in writing by the required time. Time permitting, the President may consider further motions from the floor.

  3. To give fair opportunity to all electors in attendance, an elector can only move one motion at a time.


* This date applies to the Annual General Meeting of Electors taking place on Monday 3 February 2025.

See Full Document


Only electors are entitled to move motions and vote at the meeting. Both the mover and seconder of a motion must state their name and address prior to moving or seconding a motion. As stipulated in Regulation 17 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 voting provisions at an electors' meeting are as follows:

  • Each elector at the meeting is entitled to one vote on each matter to be decided, but does not have to vote;
  • All decisions are to be made by a Simple Majority vote; and
  • Voting is to be conducted by a show of hands, ensuring that no voter’s vote is secret.

Who presides at the AGM of Electors?

The Shire President is to preside at the electors' meeting, if not available the Shire Deputy President may preside according to Section 5.30.

Rules of Conduct

All members of the public attending the electors meeting are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful and fair before, during and after the meeting.

All elected members and officers must abide by the relevant Code of Conduct:

Code of Conduct for Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates

Code of Conduct for Employees, Contractors and Volunteers