About the Fire Prevention Order

The Fire Prevention Order is in place to help prevent destructive bushfires by requiring fire mitigation work in certain areas of the Shire, which is done by Bush Fire Brigades and Shire staff. The measures outlined in this Order are the minimum fire prevention standards needed to protect individual properties and the wider community.

It is required that fire prevention work on land you own and/or occupy is carried out in accordance with the provisions outlined in the Fire Prevention Order. Shire Rangers conduct inspections on properties and firebreaks on 1 December each year to ensure that they comply with the current year’s Order. Any property owner who does not comply with this Order may be infringed, or hazard reduction work may be conducted by the Shire at the property owner’s expense.




What is a Firebreak?

A firebreak is defined as a traversable strip of land cleared of all trees, shrubs, grass and other combustible material. Firebreaks are intended to allow access for firefighting vehicles during bushfire suppression operations, and act as a fuel-free area from which planned burns can be undertaken. All firebreaks must be a minimum of 2m (metres) wide.


Rural Land / Special Rural Land

Firebreaks must be no less than 3m wide, with a 4m high vertical axis. This must be provided and maintained in the following positions:

  • Within 10m inside and along all boundaries of all land.
  • So as to divide the land into areas of not more than 120ha (300ac).
  • Around all groups of buildings, haystacks and fuel installations but not closer than 6m.
  • Irrigation areas that are kept fully watered and maintained in a non flammable state may be considered acceptable as an adequate firebreak.

Urban Land / Special Residential (more or less than 2024m2)

2024m2 or less:

  • All flammable material on the entire property (noting that this does not include living trees, shrubs, plants and lawn under cultivation) is to be reduced and maintained to a height of less than 5cm.

Exceeding 2024m2:

  • Firebreaks of at least 2m wide with a 4m high Vertical Axis must be provided and maintained within 6m of the inside of all external boundaries of the land. Cleared hardstand areas and reticulated grassed areas maintained in a green state may be considered acceptable as an adequate firebreak.

Fuel and/or Gas Depots

Maintain the land clear of all flammable materials for 20m from any edge of the storage unit.


Boundary firebreaks must have 15m wide firebreaks immediately adjoining all external boundaries of the planted area. The outer 1 m will be cleared of all flammable material while the inner 5m (closest to the trees) kept in a reduced fuel state.

Internal firebreaks must be 6m wide firebreaks so as to divide the land into areas of not more than 30ha.

Special risks must have 15m wide firebreaks immediately adjoining the Special Risk.

Power lines must have a firebreak in accordance with Western Power specifications along power lines where they pass through or lie adjacent to planted areas.

Requests and Enquiries

Landowners may submit a Request for Variation to the Order where their properties may not comply, with regards to the preparation of the property during fire season. All submissions are to the Shire in writing no later than 30 September (annually).

All queries relating to Firebreak Compliance are to be made to the Shire’s Ranger Services.

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