Customer Service Charter

Our Vision:

A proud community enjoying a rural lifestyle, cultural heritage and natural environment

The Shire of Donnybrook Balingup Customer Service Charter outlines our commitment to provide quality service to our customers and provides you with standards by which our performance can be measured. It also provides our employees with clear standards to strive for in order to achieve the Shire’s objectives and outcomes identified in the Strategic Community Plan.


Our Commitment to You
  • Treat all customers with courtesy and respect.
  • Provide fair, courteous and efficient customer service and respond to enquiries in a timely manner.
  • Dedicate time and attention to address your enquiry, follow through on commitments and keep you informed of progress.
  • Provide clear, reliable and accurate information and advice with clear explanations regarding decisions made.
  • Show respect for your privacy in your dealings with us.
  • Address complaints fairly, promptly and professionally and provide a resolution or response within established timeframes.
  • Encourage and value feedback by seeking comments and suggestions on delivery of services.
  • Proactively distribute information and engage the community.
  • Ensure information, resources and services are accessible to all.


Help Us to Help You
  • Treating our staff with courtesy and respect.
  • Respecting the rights of other customers.
  • Providing accurate and detailed information and being open and honest in your dealings.
  • Providing detailed or technical enquiries in writing.
  • Contacting us to make an appointment if you have a complex enquiry or need to meet with a specific staff member.
  • Quoting reference numbers where applicable.
  • Contacting us when things change such as address or contact details.
  • Working with us to help solve problems.
  • Using appropriate channels for requests, complaints and compliments.
  • Providing us with feedback on our operation and services to enable improvements, and to help us recognise our employees by letting us know when you have received excellent customer service.


Customer Service Standards
  • In Person
    • We will acknowledge customers when they arrive, even if we unable to attend to them immediately.
    • Frontline staff will wear name badges when dealing with members of the public and where appropriate will introduce themselves.
    • Aim to resolve your enquiry as soon as possible. If it requires technical advice, attention or a specific staff member is unavailable to assist, contact will be made within two working days to make an appointment or discuss over the phone.
  • On the Telephone
    • Answer calls promptly, courteously and identify ourselves by name.
    • Resolve enquiry immediately if possible, or if it requires a call back contact will be made within two working days.
  • In Writing
    • We will endeavour to acknowledge your correspondence within five working days, and if it proves to be more complex and requires research we will provide you with an expected completion date.
    • Incoming emails will be treated with the same level of importance as other forms of written correspondence and be subject to the same turnaround times.
  • Via Internet or Social Media
    • Our website and social media platforms will be kept up-to-date with relevant information and encourage feedback.
    • Enquiries on our social media platforms will be responded to in a timely and professional manner, with any complex enquiries being requested to be made through alternative methods.
    • Web-based forms and enquiries will be directed to the Shire email address and the same procedure and standards for written correspondence will apply.


Customer Feedback & Complaint Resolution

The Shire of Donnybrook Balingup encourages feedback on our operation and services to enable improvements, and to help us recognise our employees by letting us know when you have received excellent customer service. Complete our online Feedback Form at the bottom of this page to provide you feedback, complaints and suggestions. Alternatively, please feel free to contact our friendly staff - you can view our contact information on the page linked below.

Contact Us


Freedom of Information (FOI)

The Western Australian Freedom of Information Act 1992 provides members of the public the right to apply for access to documents held by state public sector agencies which includes government departments, local governments, statutory authorities and ministers. Visit the page linked below to see more information about Freedom of Information. 

Registers for Public Viewing & FOI