Coming Soon: Energy Efficiency Pilot Program (EEPP)

Published on Thursday, 20 March 2025 at 1:00:00 PM

Switch Your Thinking (SYT) has partnered with the Western Australian Government to deliver an Energy Efficiency Pilot Program (EEPP) during 2025, to help residents and small to medium-sized build energy literacy and implement energy efficiency measures.

The Shire of Donnybrook Balingup is pleased to share that it will also be participating in the EEPP, and in April this year, Energy Audit Kits will be available for the community to loan at the Donnybrook Library.


About the Energy Efficiency Pilot Program (EEPP)

The aim of the Energy Efficiency Pilot Program (EEPP) is to provide participants with access to relevant, accessible energy efficiency education to influence behaviour change leading to improved energy literacy and corresponding reductions in energy use and bills.

Through this initiative, Switch Your Thinking (SYT) will be working with 55 local governments across Western Australia to provide access to relevant and accessible energy efficiency education, such as home energy audit kits and workshops.

About the Energy Efficiency Pilot Program (EEPP)

About Switch Your Thinking (SYT)

Switch Your Thinking (SYT) is a local government initiative based in Perth WA, and was founded in 2002 by the South East Regional Energy Group (SEREG) – a small team of passionate professionals with skills and experience in sustainability, community engagement, business management and science. The SEREG is a joint initiative of the City of Armadale, City of Gosnells and the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale.

SYT’s work aligns with many of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, with particular focus on climate action, sustainable cities and communities, affordable and clean energy, responsible production and consumption, ecosystem health and developing partnerships. Since 2002, they have helped their program partners and community to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 339,700 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent which is the same as putting 790,000 barrels of crude oil back in the ground.

About Switch Your Thinking (SYT)

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