Published on Tuesday, 23 April 2024 at 10:30:00 AM
Lest We Forget.
Anzac Day, 25 April 2024
Please be aware that the Shire Administration Office will be closed in observance of the public holiday.
Dawn Services are being held in various townsites in the Shire, and are being facilitated by individual groups. This includes Donnybrook, Balingup, Kirup, and Mullalyup. Thank you to the community groups who are leading these services.
Dawn Service at 6am, followed by Gunfire Breakfast at the Donnybrook RSL Hall. Main parade forms up at Ayers Garden at 9:15am, with the march starting at 9:30am. The Morning Service takes place at 10:00am at the War Memorial.
During the abovementioned parade, the South Western Highway (between Reserve Street and Marmion Street) will be closed between 9:30am and 10:30am. All traffic, including heavy traffic (trucks, buses, etc.) will be required to detour down Reserve Street along Collins Street to exit onto Marmion Street to the South Western Highway. Please ensure that you follow all directional signage, and drive to the speed limits for your safety and those taking part in the Anzac Day services. Thank you for your patience.
Morning Service at 9:30am at the Kirup Memorial, followed by a morning tea.
Marchers gather at 10:30am at the Balingup Fire Station car park, departing at 10:45am. Anzac Service starts at 11:00am.
Annual Anzac Day service starting at 11:00am, at the Gala Tours Office. Light refreshments held at the Fire Shed after the service - bring your own plate to share.
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