Waste Sorting - Items starting with "G"

Published on Thursday, 20 June 2024 at 3:00:00 PM

Let's talk more about waste sorting - this time looking at things beginning with the letter G.


Gardening Chemicals

These materials are not suitable for a kerbside bin, and need to be taken to your nearest Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Drop-Off Point. The closest HHW Point is in Bunbury, at the Stanley Road Waste Management Facility, where you can dispose of these materials free of charge.


Gift Wrap (paper)

These can go in the recycling bin. If it’s plastic gift wrap, it will need to go into general waste. These can go into your Recycling bin, but should be empty with no lids. If you've got clean Easter egg wrappers and foil, you can scrunch it into a ball (the size of a golf ball) and put it into recycling. Please note that if the foil is dirty, it needs to go into the General Waste bin alongside Aluminium Lids.


Garden Organics

You can put these into your FOGO bin (Food Organics Garden Organics) bin. Garden waste can include: grass clippings, plant cuttings, leaves, flowers and weeds, small branches, and twigs and sticks.


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