Published on Friday, 17 May 2024 at 10:00:00 AM

Make sure you check your waste sorting, we're looking at items starting with the letter E - the next lot of bins being collected are for recycling!
E-Waste (Electronic Waste)
Most items categorised as Electrical Waste, such as electric blankets and equipment (electric drills, etc.) can only be disposed of at a dedicated Drop-Off Location. The Donnybrook Waste Management Facility currently accepts small E-waste items such as printers, TVs and batteries. Please note that the Balingup Waste Transfer Station currently does not accept any E-waste items.
You can drop your old mobile phones and accessories off to the Shire Administration Office or to one of the libraries into a Mobile Muster box for disposal.
Egg Cartons & Shells
The cartons should go in the recycling bin, provided they are clean and empty. Your egg shells can go in your FOGO (Food Organics Garden Organics) bin, but you can also use them in DIY composting or for your plants by crushing them into small pieces!
Find your nearest drop-off point!
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