Published on Wednesday, 10 April 2024 at 2:00:00 PM

Let's keep the conversation going about waste sorting - next we're looking with things that begin with the letter B!
Balloons & Blankets
You should be put these items into general waste, but you could also consider donating your blankets to a local charity or op shop if they're still good quality!
These can't be disposed of in your kerbside bins - you'll need to go to your nearest Battery Drop-Off Point for disposal (free of charge). You can take these to either of the two Waste Facilities in Donnybrook or Balingup.
Bones & Shells, Branches & Leaves
These organic materials can go in your FOGO bin (Food Organics Garden Organics). Branches and Leaves can too, but if they're too big you should take them to either of the two Waste Facilities in Donnybrook or Balingup.
Find your nearest drop-off point!
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