Public Question Time

If you wish to ask a question, you can do so during Public Question Time at the start of the meeting. Each member of the public with a question is entitled to ask up to two questions at a time. If a question is unable to be answered at the meeting, it may be taken on notice by the Council for a later response. 

To ensure we have a true record of all questions asked, please complete the online or printable form, using the links below.  Sending your question prior to the meeting will ensure an accurate and concise response. You can also bring your question with you to the meeting, although your question may be taken on notice and answered at the next meeting.

Please have regard for others who might wish to ask questions and keep your question/contextual information as succinct as possible. If you have more thank two (2) questions, you may be asked to wait until others have had a turn and then, time permitting, you may return to ask your further question(s).

Short statements or contextual information will be permitting, however if you wish to have the opportunity to make a longer statement, you should seek permission to make a deputation prior to the meeting. Each question must take no longer than two (2) minutes.

You may ask a question on behalf of an organisation/group, however you will be asked to formally declare that you have the appropriate authority to speak on behalf of the organisation/group.

Are you asking on behalf of an organisation/group?*This field is required.
Is your question related to an item on the Agenda?

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