Asphalt Art Paint Day

Saturday 5th April 2025

The community of Donnybrook WA will paint the roads around the Apple Fun Park with a design inspired by the children and teenagers of the town on April 5, 2025.

About the project:

No art skills are required - paint by the numbers - or in this case, 'paint by the spot of colour'! Bring along your family (children over 8 only can participate). Bring a bunch of friends! Come on your own and find a team on the day to paint with!

We need to limit numbers on the road at any one time to avoid walking on wet paint, so it is essential to book your preferred time slot for a session of 75 minutes (includes kit-up time) between 7:00 and 2 pm. You can book more than one session if you like!

The project aims to make pedestrian and vehicle traffic more aware of road safety around the Fun Park. Research into the impact of Asphalt Art demonstrates that it is effective in reducing driver-vehicle pedestrian conflicts by 25%; improving drivers yielding to pedestrians by 27% and reducing undesirable pedestrian actions by 27% to 38%.

This is the vision:


Description of activities:

  • 7 am - 8.00 am: Setting up the site with gazebos, moving equipment from storage to site, setting out paint and equipment.
  • 8 am - 9:30 am: Marking out the road with the design and colours to be painted.
  • 9 am - on: Painting commences after an induction. Painting sessions are 1 hour long - you can volunteer for more than one session!
  • 9 am - on: Activities support the painting - this includes delivering paint to painters, cleaning painting equipment to be used by the next set of painters, letting paint deliverers of need for additional paint, inducting new painters onto the site and getting them to their assigned road section and more! We will ensure painting supporters also get to paint as well!
  • 12:30 on: Clean up and remove project resources from site.
  • 3:00 pm: Site is closed and vehicle traffic returns.

Register online here! 

Event Details

Time: 7am

Location: Collins St, Donnybrook

Cost: 0.00

Category: General, Arts & Craft, Activities & DIY

Type: General, Free Events

Audience: Suitable for Everyone, Children (6-12), Teenagers (13-17), Young Adults (18-25), Adults (18+)


Contact: Judith Morrisey

Organisation: Donnybrook Town Team

Position: Coordinator

Phone: 0407086212



Event Date(s)

  • Saturday 5th April 2025

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