Office HoursMonday - Friday: 8.30am - 4.00pm
(08) 9780 4200
PO Box 94, Donnybrook, WA 6239
1 Bentley St, Donnybrook, WA 6239
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Dates are subject to change based on seasonal conditions - see here for more details.
See here for more details. We will endeavour to respond to all enquiries as soon as possible when we reopen.
Council Meetings are open to the public to attend.
If you wish to ask a question, you can do so during Public Question Time at the start of the meeting. Each member of the public with a question is entitled to ask up to 2 questions and shall have two minutes to submit each question. If a question is unable to be answered at the meeting, it may be taken on notice by the Council for a later response. Members of the public shall have two minutes to submit a question.
A person or group that wishes to make a deputation to Council is to apply to the Chief Executive Officer in writing prior to the meeting for approval, or request the Presiding Member’s approval at the meeting. Deputations are not to exceed five persons, only 2 of whom may address the Council, although others may respond to specific questions from Members. The deputation is not to exceed 10 minutes without the agreement of the Council.
Agenda Ordinary Council Meeting 24 February 2021 (766.84 KB)
Confirmed Minutes Ordinary Council Meeting 24 February 2021 (727.19 KB)
Combined Attachments Ordinary Council Meeting 24 February 2021 (13.57 MB)