Media Release: New Chief Executive Officer (CEO) appointed

Published on Thursday, 4 July 2024 at 4:45:00 PM


The Shire of Donnybrook Balingup is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Nicholas (Nick) O’Connor as Chief Executive Officer, for a term of five (5) years, commencing on 8 October 2024.


Mr O’Connor brings a wealth of experience to the role with a distinguished career in Executive Leadership within regional local governments in New South Wales and Queensland, most recently as Director of Corporate and Community Services and Deputy CEO with the Burdekin Shire Council in North Queensland.  Mr O’Connor holds a Bachelor of Arts (Communication and Government), Graduate Certificates in Management and Applied Governance; Masters of Business Administration (Distinction), Graduate Diploma Law (Legal Studies), and is currently studying toward a Graduate Certificate in Digital Transformation.


Mr O’Connor’s leadership experience extends to active membership of the Australian Defence Force Reserves, where he holds senior officer rank of Air Force Squadron Leader Public Affairs Officer.


President Vivienne MacCarthy congratulated Mr O’Connor on his appointment, saying he will be an asset to the Shire and, of the pool of many applicants, Mr O’Connor was the best person for the job. “This is an exciting opportunity for the Shire of Donnybrook Balingup. I believe Mr O’Connor will excel in the role, and I wish him the very best success.”


Mr O’Connor said that he looks forward to moving to the Shire with his wife Nicole, and youngest daughter Alice, where they plan to live and become active members of the community. “I am very much looking forward to taking up the CEO role at the Shire of Donnybrook Balingup.  I have a genuine passion for working in regional and rural communities and I am committed to forging a strong working relationship with Shire President MacCarthy, all Councillors, Shire staff, and importantly, the residents and ratepayers across the region.”



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